Historical Commission


Contact Us: If you have an inquiry for the Historical Commission, including interest in obtaining a historical plaque for your home, please email the Chair of the Commission at historychair@hopkintonma.gov or attend a meeting.

For more information on Historical Commission members, visit our dedicated page on Hopkinton's Board & Committees database by clicking here.

Meetings: The Historical Commission typically meets at 7:00 P.M. the 1st Tuesday of every month, although this can vary. Meetings are held on the lower level of Town Hall, 18 Main Street, Hopkinton. To confirm meeting dates and times, see the Town calendar on the bottom of the Town homepage (https://www.hopkintonma.gov/).

Meeting Minutes/Agendas:

To find Commission meeting agendas click here or go to the Town calendar on the bottom of the Town homepage, click on the Historical Commission meeting (generally the first Tuesday of every month), click “More details”), then click on the PDF agenda.  
To find Commission Meeting minutes click here and 1) Scroll down to the Search window, 2) Click Category/Board/Committee, 3) insert Historical Commission, 4) click Search.  See image below for reference.


Click here to access the Historical Documents Folder.

History and Purpose:

The Hopkinton Historical Commission was established by the adoption of Article 16 at Special Town Meeting in June 1969 for the preservation, protection and development of the historical and archaeological assets of Hopkinton. Projects entrusted to the Commission include conducting research for places of historic or archaeological value, assisting cooperatively with others engaged in such research, and carrying out other initiatives for the purpose of protecting and preserving such places. The Commission is composed of seven members appointed by the Select Board for three years on an overlapping basis, and is in conformity with the provisions of Chapter 49 Section 8D of the Massachusetts General Laws.

As a legally constituted entity of Town government, the Commission has four mandated duties:

  • Research: Conducting research for places of historic value implies compiling and maintaining an inventory (or survey) of the historical assets in the town. Surveying is the essential first step without which historic preservation is impossible.  Nothing can be preserved unless it is known to exist. An inventory is expected to include areas, buildings, structure, and sites which are historically architecturally, archaeologically, or culturally significant to the Town.
  • Coordination of the activities of unofficial bodies organized for similar purposes.
  • Records:  The Commission must keep accurate records of its meetings and actions.
  • Reports: The Commission must file a report which must be printed in the annual Town Reports.

Historic Property Information:

  1. Hopkinton Historical Property Survey Reports Website
  2. 1989 Hopkinton Historical Property Survey
  3. 2016 Hopkinton Historic Resources Survey Plan
  4. 2018 Hopkinton Historical Property Survey
Current projects:

current proj

Historical Commission Annual Report 2021 (page 60)

Past projects:

past project

  1. Elmwood Farm, 97 Ash Street
  2. Tollhouse Historic Property, 123 East Main
  3. Lemuel R. Draper House, 192 Hayden Rowe Street

Demolition Delay:

  1. Hopkinton General Bylaws, Chapter 125: Historic Preservation (excerpted from Hopkinton General Bylaws, pages 110 - 113).
  2. The purpose of this chapter is to establish a procedure for reviewing requests to demolish significant structures in order to record and, if appropriate, preserve the historical, cultural, and architectural heritage and character of Hopkinton. It is the intent of the Hopkinton Historical Commission that the procedures outlined in this Chapter provide an opportunity for all parties to arrive at a mutually satisfactory resolution.
  3. The bylaw applies to structures that have been constructed, in whole or in part, 75 or more years prior to the demolition application date.
  4. For a full description of the procedure and timetable, see the Demolition Review Bylaw.

Related Local Commissions and Organizations:

Related State and National Organizations: